Sunday, 9 December 2012

Cosmedic... A Dermatologists' Take on Cosmetics...

Ever wished if whatever products you are using on your face and body were actually recommended by dermatologists? Better still, wish they were formulated and "created" by dermatologists themselves? If yes, then fret no more... Your wait is over...I was lucky enough to be contacted by Cosmedic, which is the cosmeceutical division of Future Skin... They sent me some information brochures and some products for me to try out... I have been trying them out since a week now and am quite impressed with them. Dunno if you all have been able to see any marked improvements on my skin since the past week...
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Lotus Herbals Berryscrub Strawberry & Aloe Vera Exfoliating Face Wash Review

Lotus Herbals Berryscrub Reviewby ChandScrubs always attract me, owing to the fact that scrubs polish the skin. I picked this product with the attraction towards the scrub that is visible through its package tube. Claims about Lotus Herbals Berryscrub:For skin that looks as great as it feels, try our BERRYSCRUB. The creamy lather cleanses and natural exfoliators polish your skin to reveal dazzling complexion. Active Herbal Ingredients:Strawberry Seeds: Exfoliating agent removes dead skin cells. Prevents formation of blackheads and gives instant glow.Aloe Vera: Excellent moisturising...
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Saturday, 8 December 2012

Flu During Pregnancy May Trigger Autism

 Birth of a child with autism can be caused by health conditions of pregnant women. Flu during pregnancy may trigger autism, especially the flu is transmitted. Doubled risk having a child with autism compared with mothers who did not catch the flu. Although the study did not demonstrate a causal relationship but experts say pregnant women should get the flu vaccine.The study was conducted by a team from Denmark and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that analyzed more than 97,000 children aged 8-14 years who were born in Denmark between 1997 and 2003. Only one percent of the children...
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Pollution Increase the Risk of Autism in Children

Autism that occurs in children is not clear cause and how to prevent it. Risks associated with autistic children, since children in the womb until the age of one year are exposed to air pollution from highways or other sources more prone to develop autism compared to children whose exposure to lower pollution. Pollution increase the risk of autism in children.The researchers revealed that chemicals in pollutants will trigger genetic changes in the conditions of autism. Although it does not cause autism directly, but it does increase the risk."There is evidence that the immune system is associated...
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Friday, 7 December 2012

Make up for medical purposes

Make up for medical purposesStylists each season offers a trendy make up, and a new palette to create it.All changes can not keep track, but every woman, regardless of her mother-heroine from the African tribe or the Secretary of the U.S. president, know what make-up and simple ways of application. Habit to paint the face appeared, probably at a time when our ancestors were covered by a fig leaf, planed wooden spears and ran for a mammoth, making animal sounds. In addition to all of this was a bright frightening face painting. So make-up has been created not to attract the opposite sex! Times...
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Look at yourself in the mirror without fear

 Such a desire, I think, there is a minimum of 40 percent of women who see themselves in the mirror.And in this case, size does not matter. Small breasts can be as seductive and sensual, like a big - important the correct and regular maintenance, which includes the use of cosmetics and exercise. Courting the chest, you can kill two birds with one stone: to make it supple and gives volume naturally. So, get started! Fit simple exercises: push-ups against the wall (just make sure Feel work the pectoral muscles), alternately pushing away from the wall with an offset to the left and to the right....
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3 steps to maximize the beautiful eyelashes

3 steps to maximize the beautiful eyelashesLargely determine the long fluffy eyelashes expressive look.Add to it the charm and mystery. Fortunately, for those who do not like their "fan" enough tricks to fix this point. So, let's take them in order.Step 1. Care Properly take care of your eyelashes. To do this, choose a colorless gel for care, which consists of ceramides, protein, vitamin E, provitamin B5. These components strengthen, nourish hair, promote better growth and recovery. Apply the product before bed to thoroughly cleansed eyelashes and the base of the upper eyelid soft pat until absorbed....
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