Wednesday 3 October 2012

September Empties | Products I've Used Up

I thought it was about time I threw away a few more of my empty beauty products, but before I can, let's talk about them! I love monthly empties videos as I think it gives you a true reflection of my opinions of products before they hit the bin. So here are 5 more items I've used up followed by my thoughts:

1. REDKEN Color Extend Radiant 10: If we were at the Brits and this product was a band, it would be awarded 'Best Newcomer'. This is a multi-purpose leave in treatment that can be sprayed on to dry or damp hair promising great results from root to tip. I have fallen in love with this product and can't be without it now! I ran out for a few days whilst waiting for my backup to be posted and my hair felt so much more brittle and dry. It's safe to say this is definitely a staple in my everyday routine! Price: £16.99

2. No7 Beautiful Skin Cleansing Water 'Normal/Oily Skin'*: I don't really have a certain opinion on this cleanser; I neither loved it or hated it. It's was great at removing my face makeup but when it came to the eyes, it just didn't seem to stand up to it's competitors! It smelt very pleasant but I can't say I would go out and buy this one again. Price: £9.00

3. Ojon Restorative Pre-Cleansing Treatment: This is a product you apply to dry hair before jumping in the shower to shampoo & condition. It cleanses any product build-up whilst treating dry & damaged hair. I thoroughly enjoyed using this! It was refreshing to use something different and I can easily recommend this to anyone with slightly dry hair. Unfortunately I think Ojon have discontinued this (sad face) but it seems it's readily available online. It smells like a mix of chocolate and hazelnuts which remains on your hair most of the day, yumm! Price: £6.00 (from link provided).

4. Avene Gentle Eye Makeup Remover: This eye makeup remover was pleasant but not memorable. It did the job for day to day use but I didn't find that it was great for more heavy eye makeup or waterproof mascara. Saying that, this would be great for people with sensitive eyes that find that products usually sting, or for contact lens wearers. I can't say I would repurchase this as I like to wear layers upon layers of mascara and it just didn't make the task of removing it too easy. Price: £9.50

5. St. Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mousse 'Dark': I've spoken about this product several times before, especially in my tanning routine video. I love this product as it gives me an instant dark olive/brown colour whilst also developing overnight. It also drys almost instantly once applied, meaning you could get dressed after. I find that it lasts perfectly well and doesn't fade too patchy. I use exfoliating gloves in the shower to maintain an even colour. The only downfall of this tanning mousse is that it's drying. It tends to leave me itchy and tight the next day if I forget to moisturise. I already have another bottle of this on the go though so I can't say it's put me off! Price: £2.99

Please feel free to pour yourself a cup of tea and watch the video above, I hope you enjoy! What products have you finished this month? Do you enjoy reading my empties posts? See you tomorrow!

*PR Sample


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